I have noticed, and even fallen to that trap myself, that when you are consulting and helping others, your own visibility suffers. So, this time I decided to take care of that. Because Digipreacher as a site is not so old, I ran it through webrankpage.com in order to know, what should be improved here.
And even though I thought I had taken care of keywords and meta tags and even social media channels, I had to bow and notice that my site needs some improvements. What did I then get out of Webrankpage?
In general, I’m really happy with the grade B-, because I have seen very old, big companies with big marketing departments that have received grade D. Still, this gave me a good idea of the points and SEO improvements I should pay more attention to.
One of them is social media channels. I should link them more clearly to my blog pages and also get more followers there. This was also one of my plans, but somehow I had thought that once I get enough blog writings I will do that. However, I came to realize that I should do it now – why wait.
I will also add an metadescription to my site, i.e. a description that will be shown in search engines. WordPress has several plugins that help you easily to add the meta description as well as improve to search engine optimization.
I also know, that I should stick to a limited range of keywords. Luckily, this is something that will take care of itself with time. Now in the beginning, I try to show you the versatility of my knowledge and competences as the Digipreacher, so therefore even number of keywords is quite large. Thus, SEO improvment will hopefully come with time.
I’m not using Dublin Core (a set of vocabulary terms to describe the contents) here, so it is something that give my site minus points.
Even age of the pages affects the evaluation and since this is a relatively new site, it cannot be helped… yet 😀
And Webrankpage says that I should have more text compared to html-code on my pages. Which I really wonder :S How could I add more text? Well, maybe it is something that comes with time. Or maybe I’ll ask some wiser and come back to this in some blog later on.
What comes to W3C Validity, it seems to be a problem with WordPress as such. In order to improve it, I should change the code and that is not exactly my expertise.
Objectivity counts
The other parts of the pages looked good according to WRPage. Headings, images, URLs etc. were all in tact and even some links boosted the search engine optimisation. But as you can see, even though I know quite a lot of these things, you must use outside tools to figure out the improvements. Otherwise, the old saying of shoemaker’s children can come true.

It was a lovely sunny day here in Finland today … therefore a summer picture is in place